Humayun Said's stellar performance in Mere Pass Tum Ho left viewers in awe of him. Although they are usually in dramas, the heroines make viewers feel about them. In Mere Pass Tum Ho the situation is completely opposite.
Danish, Humayun Saeed, is thrown into Hell by his wife. The character is written in a way that viewers will feel. Humayun Said's acting is so appropriate that viewers cried with him many times. It always makes viewers feel everything the Dane is going through.
This is the real success of an actor when viewers feel the pain he is trying to act on screen. Humayun Saeed has had an extensive career, so making his mark after making several amazing performances is not an easy task.
One of the biggest reasons for this is that Mere Pass Tum Ho's script is very close to his heart. This character lived off-screen while reading the script before being shot on screen. This made all the difference. When the Dane cries, viewers cry with him. His impotence makes viewers attract him.
Here are 5 Times when Humayun Saeed made the viewers cry in Mere Pass Tum Ho.
First Shock
The scene after a Dane picked a jester from the airport after learning that she had gone to Islamabad was a powerful scene that became even more emotional due to the amazing performance of Humayun Saeed.This was a shock to the Denmark who trusted Mahwish completely. The way the Dane blamed himself while Humayun Said's expressions clearly showed that he was agonizing and denial was the best part of the scene.
Through this scene Humayun Saeed demonstrated that expressions sometimes speak louder than dialogues. Everything the Dane said was not supported by his expressions. Viewers may feel the pain of the Dane, thanks to Humayun Said.
The Bitter Reality Check
Humayun Said played an older-than-life protagonist in several of his recent projects. In order to make the Danish character look human-like on screen, Humayun Saeed had to perform to the best of his ability and he did just that.Even director Nadim Bey wasn't sure if Humayun Saeed would be able to accomplish. But then viewers saw how easy it was for him to abandon the hero's avatar and play the helpless male hero with utmost clarity.
This conversation between Shhour and Danish is unforgettable for all viewers who have watched Mere Pass Tum Ho.
The glimpse on Humayun's face, the dryness of his lips, and his body language in this scene made viewers cry with him. Everyone who watched this episode felt the pain of the Dane.
These two actors would have been better served making this scene unforgettable. This was also the most emotional scene in Mere Pass Tum Ho.
One Last Try
Before letting Mahwish go, a Dane might try to make her realize that his life will not go smoothly after she leaves. Humayun Said made the most of another scene that showed the ignorance of the Dane.These simple questions are asked in the most innocence of ways. Humayun Said featured expressions in this scene. He appeared fleeting, but his expressions tell a different story.
The Final Goodbye
Humayun Saeed's acting was at its best in Episode 12 of Mir Pass Tom Ho. This was the episode in which Danesh decided to let Mahwish go. Humayun Said breathed such tangible life into these scenes that every expression showed the pain his character was experiencing.His body language in this scene as he leaves a fool with amazing shorts. Those tears seem real and the pain is more than that. He drags himself to the bed to lie next to Rumi, as if there was no life left in him.
Humayun Said was praised for his performance in this particular episode. Even those viewers who hadn't noticed Danish at this point cried with him. This scene is one of the most famous thanks to the brilliant acting of Humayun Saeed.
The Helplessness
Mahwish apologized in episode 19 of Mere Pass Tum Ho by calling Danish and telling him she wanted him to get it back. After this long period this conversation between Mahwish and Denmark became more intense due to the Danish dialogues and the representation of Humayun Said.He made sure that every dialogue was presented in a way that his characters showed true feelings. The Dane's impotence and his vision of how he still remembers everything as if it were yesterday made viewers cry. Humayun Said did a great job here.
What scenes cover Dane's pain that make you cry? Isn't it surprising how someone as Humayun Saeed flawlessly portrayed such a character on screen.
Did you expect Humayun Saeed to do this well? We feel no other actor could have played this role better than Humayun. This has got to be the best role in his entire career. What do you think? Share your opinions in the comments section.